Happy 10 Year Anniversary 

Hi everyone! Hope you are all well. This month marks my 10th year on WordPress and my 10th year blogging! I don’t usually give myself praise or credit but I am proud of my blog. I am proud of my persistence doing posts as a blog at times can be hard to maintain but it is something I enjoy and I am passionate about. I hope this reflects in the posts I create.

When I first starting my blog, I looked at it as catalyst to get voice heard and to demonstrate my passion for marketing. You see, I strongly believe when writing the story of your life, you hold the pen. There will be good chapters, some bad ones but it is all about learning, writing more pages through experience and trying to better develop yourself. As someone who is always eager to learn and develop within the right environment, I don’t take anything for granted and I an extremely grateful for all of you. My blog is my marketing journey and I am taking you all along with me.

Thank you to all who have read, liked, shared, subscribed or followed my blog. I see you and I appreciate you. I will continue to create more posts not because I have to but because I want to and your support also helps fuel me. This is monumental for me and I am glad I am sharing this moment with you. Just remember, we are the dreamers of dreams, the dream chasers and the dream catchers. Never give up on something you can’t go a day without thinking about. Happy 10th year anniversary and more to come! Appreciate you all.

Until next time…

Emmanuel #EKsMarketingViews 

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