I appreciate you

Happy 8 year anniversary of being on WordPress.

Thank you for following and reading my blog, you really are the best.

Writing and creating content is what I like to do.

Sharing my thoughts and research with you is a dream come true.

As a marketer I like to strategise and prepare.

So when I create a post, I do it with care.

Never did I think I’d be blogging 8 years strong.

On this platform, you the readers made me feel this is where I belong.

So thank you for coming with me on this journey, I may take breaks but I’ll never stop.

You’re all coming with me on this ride until we reach the mountain top.

To all my followers, anyone who has just discovered my blog, anyone who has read and liked a post, thank you. I see you and I appreciate you.

Until next time….

Emmanuel #EKsMarketingViews 

Thank you again

Hi everyone. I hope you’re all doing well. This is just a short post to say thank you for helping me reach 200 followers. The past 18 months has been challenging but for you to continue to support and follow my blog means so much to me. I cannot put it into words but I am forever grateful. I needed this. When I first created my blog, I used it as a vehicle to put myself out there and let my voice be heard. You all have been in the driving seat with me and your support has been my key. Even though I may not write all the time, the content that I produce is what I believe in. I hope you have found the content to be educational, thought provoking and entertaining.

To achieve this amount of followers means so much to me as at times just like anyone else, I can feel down and question myself but I will never give up in pursuing something I enjoy. I also have a podcast you can check out and I will leave you with a final thought.

To my followers and anyone who has read my posts, giving me a like or a comment I see you and I appreciate you. If at times you think you can’t just remember to take as step back, breathe and refocus – I know its not always easy. Take that t off and believe you can!

Until next time…. –

Emmanuel #EKsMarketingViews

Thank You

Hi everyone! I just wanted to take some time to say thank you to my followers. Thank you for being a motivation for me to continue with my blog. Never did I imagine that I would have 100 followers and to you, I am extremely grateful. The journey has not been easy but I plan to take you with me on this ride. Also to anyone that has liked and shared my blog posts – thank you. I promise I will try to continue to deliver content and your support means the world to me. I see you and I appreciate you. Once again, thank you.

Until next time…..

Emmanuel #EKsMarketingViews