The Beautiful Game of Marketing

It’s coming home, it’s coming home, it’s coming…. football’s coming home!” Every 2 to 4 years, we hear this now iconic song during The World Cup or The Euros. With Euro 2024 beginning, we as a nation rally together in the hope that England will put on a good display and finally capture the trophy. Just like the beautiful game football is fondly referred to, this draws a parallel to marketing.  Allow me to explain.

The Football Manager

Image source: EA Sports

Just like a marketing manager, a football manager plans and strategizes how his team, the club (and the brand) can win. He invests in getting valuable players just like a marketing manager invests in staff to get a return on investment. In this instance, the ROI is winning matches, potentially promotions and trophies. This like marketing helps with building brand awareness.


Image source: San Diego Union Tribune

They are community management; they monitor the situation and can guide defenders and stop unwanted threats i.e. goals from the opposition.


Image source:


Image source: Gabriel Bouys/AFP

The playmakers as I fondly call them.  They are the Data Analysts on the field as they look at their surroundings and with evidence given i.e. the opposition (they are the data), they find solutions to support their team and enable their strikers to score goals.


Image source: Getty

These players are the winning formula that comes together with the assistance of the whole team. Look at them as the result of a marketing campaign; they work with management (Football Manager), Community Support (Goalkeeper), Customer Service (Defenders) and Data Analysts (Midfield) to get a successful result – a win.

The beautiful game of football and marketing is about getting a return on investment and satisfying the fans’/customers’ needs. It is mutually beneficial to everyone involved.

Until next time…

Emmanuel #EKsMarketingViews