
In 2020 stories have been told.

This is a time to make your marketing more bold.

Social media continues to be word of mouth.

Branding is important or things could go wrong and go south.

It’s vital to use platforms to learn and educate.

Keep customers engaged, don’t hesitate, or they will go to your competitors and it will be too late.

2020 has been the year of change and things have to get better.

Businesses have to push the envelope and metaphorically speaking, customers will want to open and read that letter.

While marketing has to continue to be innovative and new,

Never forget the principles and fundamentals and with this, I bid you adieu.

Until next time…..

Emmanuel #EKsMarketingViews

Social Poetry

Social media platforms

Social media can be a great platform for creating brand awareness.

It is an opportunity for businesses to stand out and be unique in all fairness.

Capturing pictures and moments are great for Instagram,

Just be aware to provide content and not just spam.

As you will notice adverts are beginning to pop up more,

However, don’t jump the bandwagon unless you can provide content a customer will want to click on to explore.

Just because a hashtag is trending,

Make sure it reflects your brand otherwise the information you provide is false, misleading and you’re pretending.

Always have a clear content plan,

Strategise the best you can.

Let your story be told,

To create engagement with customers – new potential and old.


Emmanuel #EksMarketingViews

Social media where do I begin…

social media ac

Social media where do I begin,

It’s a great platform for brands to engage with customers to get the win.

To win doesn’t just mean how many likes and followers that you get,

To win its also about being accessible and responding – game, match and set.

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and Pinterest,

To engage with customers put up content that’s of interest.

Experiment with content, listen and let it show,

Try new things, that’s how a brand can learn and grow.

Remember to be consistent,

Social media is not easy; it requires planning, creativity and time – be persistent!

If you’re reading this and want to make your content compelling,

The true essence is always in the story-telling.


Emmanuel #EKsMarketingViews




Marketing – Poetry in Motion

marketing poetry

Marketing is identifying, anticipating and satisfying the customers need,

To get a return of investment indeed.

Looking at customer data,

Will help make your marketing greater.

Social media can be a great attraction,

An online platform where you can communicate with a customer like its face to face interaction.

It is always vital to remember the marketing mix,

Follow the process so that it sticks.

The 4P’s of Product, Price, Place and Promotion,

All help to create customer satisfaction and devotion.

The other 3P’s – Physical evidence, People and Process

Helps understand the customer and creates less stress.

When sending a customer/client email,

Make sure the content is engaging within its detail.

Whether your organization is a B2B, B2C, B2G, G2C, C2B,

You need to have a clear strategy.

What does T.E.A.M stand for?

Together Everyone Achieves More.

Work with other departments to build a formidable team,

So you can get a return of investment – that is the dream.

No one ever said marketing is an easy thing to do,

But to achieve success, you have to be persistent through and through.

Everyday there is something new to learn,

By doing so, customer/client loyalty you will earn.

Emmanuel #EKsMarketingViews