Why social media is important


Social media is a phenomenon but it is also more than that. It was a way for people and businesses to communicate and connect with each other on a larger scale. When done right, from a business standpoint (and even a personal one), social media can help create real relationships.

With so many platforms like Twitter, it gives you the opportunity to promote, share your opinions and start discussions. By tweeting, it can allow people to become followers and to get a sense of your personality. If followers like what you tweet, they can ‘like’, re-tweet or share. Your followers can be your biggest brand advocates. The picture sharing platform Instagram for instance, can also give people and businesses the opportunity to tell their story through imagery. After all, a picture paints a 1000 words.

By using the right tools and data, social media for businesses can fundamentally revolutionize and grow their brand. It’s a medium with the information gathered, can help create and curate content and build robust campaigns for businesses to reach their target audience and get traction.

Whether it is for personal or business needs, social media can also create opportunities. A prime example of this is the story of A -Level student Nick Jablonka.

Two weeks ago, A-Level student Nick Jablonka gained public and mainstream attention when his media coursework went viral on YouTube. The video is just here https://youtu.be/_kuNB-exddM.

With over a million views, the talented student created the advert for his A2 AQA Media course work on his chosen essay –  John Lewis and how successful their marketing campaign has become. Never did Nick envision how much hype and attention that his video would garner. The student when interviewed on television, admitted the response was overwhelming and has been contacted by companies about jobs but has not heard from his inspiration John Lewis yet.  However, Nick wants to finish his education first which is very noble of him and has to be applauded.

The humble student professed on his YouTube channel, “Although I really appreciate the overwhelming comments, I do believe this piece could do with a lot of work as it was done in around 2 weeks from start to finish”. Well it was safe say that Nick got full marks for his coursework and it was truly deserved.  No doubt, a bright future lies ahead of him.

This goes to show how just how powerful social media can be and the opportunities it can help create. Whether it is for personal or business use, social media is human and elicits a response from an audience. Social media’s true essence is engagement and listening.  The lyrics to the song in the video created by Nick says it all – “Follow me and I’ll follow you…”


Emmanuel #EKsMarketingViews

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